Kate Fox, Surf Mermaid

Kate’s first vacations were spent swimming at the Jersey Shore and exploring the warms waters of Key West. Growing up in a family that loved adventure she developed a deep appreciation for exploring new places and cultures at a young age. After graduating college with a degree in Marine Conservation and Outdoor Education she embarked on many solo journeys which ignited her desire to share her experience with others. Kate knows deeply the value of travel and is dedicated to helping her clients find their next best adventure. Along with helping to book life changing experiences, Kate is a passionate surfer who teaches lessons and international surf retreats. When she’s not hunting for new waves, you can find Kate dancing or creating new healthy recipes. She currently resides in Southern Oregon with her spunky daughter and their two tiny pups. Kate dreams of new horizons and empty peeling barrel

“Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret.” – Oscar Wilde